Sunday, February 23, 2020

Birds in flight table runner

Birds in flight small table runner measures 33x20”

I really don’t enjoy doing a “block”, I would rather just put fabrics together and see what I like. Even though this is a finished quilt, I think I am going to convert this into a coloring book case for my friend who loves to color at camp. I’ll add Velcro and a couple pockets on each side once the runner is folded in half.  It will also need handles.  The backing is fusible fleece.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Heart Table Runner

I made this table runner with leftover flannel fabric from another project. There is a layer of cotton batting (actually a bunch of leftover pieces that I laid out real nice) and also added a layer of insulated  batting so I could put a hot pot on it. The backing is a piece of pretty daisy fabric I bought last year because I just loved the colors. It measures 16”x40”

Best part about this piece is the binding. I cut 1 1/4” strips in two colors. One purple to match the heart side, one blue/green to match the backing. I stitched them together and made a piece of 2” bias binding strip. Had to iron the seam open and made double fold 1/2” two sided binding. Always wanted to do that. Can hardly tell when it’s laid out that the binding is two sided.