Get cash back for shopping on Ebates! Use my link below and sign up.
When I shop online I always go through Ebates to get a rebate, first I check out the KrazyCouponLady to see if there are any "must have" deals going on at any store. Recently I purchased 6 small appliances at Kohls for $12 after my $72 store rebate and my Ebates rebate. Most I packaged up and put in an auction to raise money - the toaster I kept for a friend. I also purchased two Nutri Bullets for $14 each according to their suggestions.
Then I go through the Ebates app to shop and it will put me right onto the website to shop (Ebates will still show up on the top bar on each store's page). After you are done shopping check your cart and check out. Ebates keeps track of your purchases and gives you the rebate after you check out. Please stay on the page as you do your purchase and do not exit out and go back. I think Ebates keeps track of what you put into your cart, so you may not be able to have a full cart first, then go into Ebates, and then check your cart again. But I could be wrong but I do not want to try it and lose a rebate.
Hopefully you sign up from my invite link and earn your $10 bonus after your first purchase.